We sing songs at night--3 before I leave the room and he goes to bed. Sometimes he gets silly and request songs that are made-up. One time he requested "A Fox Song" so I made one up about a fox looking up at the moon and stars and searching for his Mama and a bed of leaves to fall asleep (the made up songs are always about the search for sleep). The song is droning and repetitious and I have to change it a little every time because I never remember exactly how I sang it last time but for some crazy reason he loves it. During the day he even acts out being the fox complete with dramatic facial expressions. So, back to the sweatshirt. When I pulled this sweatshirt out for the big reveal he looked kind of disappointed so I said "It's a fox sweatshirt." and he looked at me blankly so I added, "but you are the fox when you wear it." And, that was it...instant love. Now, it is the GREAT FOX SWEATSHIRT. I'm not sure what the moral of the story is exactly but it feels like some kind of ode to mediocrity or perhaps the lesson is---when the simple is great.
Wings Cowl
5 years ago
love it, the fox sweatshirt. Kids are funny! Sweet story, three songs? Really? If only I had a good voice! A very nice evening tradition.
the jacket is so cute... love the all-over placement of the details. I'm reminded of the fox in St. Exupery's /The Little Prince/, and the stars and asteroids in that story and his illustrations...
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